Here you will find a collection of repositories for the Nokia N810, N800 and 770 Internet Tablets running maemo IT OS 2008 / 2007 / 2006. Browse this site with your Internet Tablet and click on the repository icon for a simple install into Application Manager. With OS 2008 it is now possible to add multiple repositories with a single install file. Click on the checkbox of each repository you need and then click "Install Selected".
Avoid duplicate entries! If a repository is already installed on your system, avoid installing it again. There appears to be a problem with how this is handled. It only works correctly if you first delete ALL repositories from your system and refresh the application list. After that your system should be able to correctly handle duplicate entries. 64 Repos for OS 2008:
Availability will be verified every hour - Package lists will be reloaded every 24 hours. |

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